At NBTHS, our RISE program is rooted strongly in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). As a school community we believe in rewarding students who display the positive behavior characteristics that reflect our shared values, which are:
Respect: Respect yourself, peers, authority; Be tolerant of others; play by the rules; Use good manners
Integrity: Be trustworthy; Demonstrate good character at all times, even when no one is looking
Service: Care about those in our community and school; Do your part to make the school and community better
Excellence: Strive to attain and surpass the highest personal standards of performance
RISE and Shine Raiders
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a Tier 1 intervention widely used by schools nationwide. Here at NBTHS, we implement PBIS with our schoolwide program, RISE. RISE stands for Respect, Integrity, Service, and Excellence. These are the four pillar characteristics we expect of our 21st century, globally-aware students. In each class, teachers award students points that exemplify these pillars. And, of course, students are doing great things outside of the classroom as well, so any staff member in the school can award points to students that demonstrate positive behavior.
We always end our daily announcements with, "Always do the right thing even when no one is looking."
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2023-2024 RISE Events

Student receiving gift card reward!

RISE Exclusive Event: Movie & Snack, 12/21/23

RISE Exclusive Event: Movie & Snack, 12/21/23

RISE Exclusive Event: Pizz-A-My Heart, 2/14/24

RISE Exclusive Event: Pizz-A-My Heart, 2/14/24