BREAKING NEWS: The impressive skills of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade “mathletes” were recognized by the New Jersey Math League (NJML) in the county results and rankings for grades 6-8, with Linwood School’s 6th grade coming in 4th in Middlesex County, and NBTMS 7th & 8th grade coming in 3rd in Middlesex County! Top scorers will be recognized at a June Parent Academy and will receive notification and an invitation closer to the event. The NJML is a very different type of contest from Math Olympiad. Students complete 35 questions in 30 minutes, so it is a challenge based upon speed and accuracy. Congratulations to all the participants for their excellent work, and to the outstanding Mathematics Department at NBT Schools who helped prepare these students for this success! For more information about the NJ Math League competition organization, please click:

NJ Math League Winners
March 27, 2023