Welcome to our 2021 Spring Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences at NBTMS. We appreciate you taking the time to spend a few minutes with your child's teachers, and we hope you have productive sessions. To access conferences, click on the name of the teacher you are scheduled to see, and then click on the Zoom link when it is time for your appointment. You will be placed into the Waiting Room and will be admitted when it is your scheduled time.
We ask that you please keep your conferences to 5 minutes per teacher; we have many parents with several appointments. Should you require a longer conversation with a teacher, please reach out to the teacher via email to arrange a phone conference.
For security purposes, please make sure that your "Zoom Display Name" matches the name used to sign up for conferences.
Link to NBTMS Spring 2021 Confrences https://sites.google.com/nbtschools.org/nbtms-conferences2021/home