Hayley Toth - President

Zaire Ali

Coleen Keefe

Dr. Paragi N. Patel

Elesia James - Vice President

Jason Carter

Richard Liguori

Manpreet Singh

Steven Wen

25 Linwood Place
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
732-289-3000 phone
732-297-8567 fax
Concerns or Complaints
There are times when a parent may have a particular complaint or concern involving their child or their respective school. When this occurs, the following process should be observed:
Contact the teacher involved. If the problem is not within the teacher's responsibility or is not resolved, then:
Contact the building principal or assistant principal. Again, if not resolved at this level, then:
Contact the Superintendent of Schools, Janet Ciarrocca, at 289-3000 extension 3030 or superintendent@nbtschools.org . If not resolved at this level: then
Contact the Board of Education through the Board Secretary, Rosa Hock, at 289-3000 extension 53020 or rhock@nbtschools.org.
A copy of the Bylaws and Policies of the North Brunswick Township Public Schools is available here