mission statement

Gifted and Talented Mission Statement

North Brunswick Township Schools endeavors to provide a broad base of experiences to enrich the intellectual, creative, social, and emotional needs of all students. By providing a rigorous and differentiated curriculum, our programs facilitate the growth of students as independent, life-long learners who will become productive citizens, with the development of skills, concepts and positive attitudes within the cognitive, emotional and social domains.

NBTSchools recognizes and is proud of the accomplishments of our academically and/or intellectually gifted and talented students who perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of achievement in comparison to others of their age or experience. These exceptional talents cross all racial, cultural, and socio-economic categories and are celebrated, as is all diversity at NBTSchools.

These children require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular education program.

grades K-5

Grades K-4 Elementary Schools

SOAR, Seeing Our Achievements Rise, focuses on providing several opportunities for our students to grow their brains through a continuum of services.  Schoolwide, SOAR coordinators will work with classroom teachers to differentiate within the classroom and in small groups. SOAR coordinators, in collaboration with classroom teachers, will provide enrichment opportunities for students to expand their critical thinking skills.

At the same time, SOAR will carefully match the needs of our students across buildings. This will include small group instruction in a variety of areas for students who qualify. Students across grade levels will be universally screened using multiple measures. To ensure equity amongst our population of students, SOAR focuses on utilizing local norms, which identify strengths and talents of our students in individual buildings. 

Please visit the elementary SOAR website for more information.

Grades 6-8

Linwood - Grade 5 & 6 & NBTMS - Grade 7 & 8

Gifted and talented services are delivered to students in grades 5-8 directly in the classroom through differentiated instruction.  Teachers formatively assess students  by grade level standards and work directly to provide instruction at the child’s appropriate level.  Students have been placed in advanced Math in grade 6 and Math and ELA enriched groups after demonstrating their ability to handle the challenges of more challenging, deeper, independent work.  Based on a variety of data points 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are challenged with more complex work and offered strategies in alignment with their abilities.  Strategies used with advanced Math 6 students may include, but are not limited to:  

  • Acceleration

  • Curriculum Compacting

  • Grouping

Students in grades 5-8 take technology courses throughout the year that offer coding and robotics.

Students have the opportunity to participate according to interest in a number of challenging math contests, such as American Mathematical Contest 8 and American Math Contest 10 from the Mathematical Association of America, NJ Math League, and Association of Math Teachers of NJ.

There are a variety of afterschool clubs that students are welcome to participate in, such as Robotics, Chess, Pandemonium, Student Congress, Coding Club, Cyber Tech Club, Hydroponics and Aquaculture, Newspaper and Math Olympiad. 

North Brunswick Township Middle School 7th and 8th grade students also have access to advanced courses of study in Math and Language Arts.  Students who have met criteria for course advancement can take high school level Algebra, Geometry and Algebra-Based Physics while in middle school.  Additionally numerous interdisciplinary and advanced STEM courses such as Data Science and Mechatronics, are offered to students. 

There are a variety of afterschool clubs that students are welcome to participate in, such as Robotics, Math Olympiad, Newspaper Club, Debate Club, Pandemonium (literary magazine) and Academic Challenge.

High School

North Brunswick Township High School

North Brunswick Township High School does not offer one specific gifted and talented program.  Instead, students have access to advanced courses of study in each grade level. 

There are two types of advanced courses: 

Advanced Placement (AP) – These courses follow criteria of the Advanced Placement Program.  Teachers or counselors recommend students of very high academic ability.  Students who successfully complete the program may be eligible for college credit or advanced placement at the college level. 

Honors – Students scheduled into accelerated courses are consistently high achievers.  Courses are fast-paced and more academically challenging than regular course offerings.

Middlesex County College Dual College Credit Courses - students at NBTHS may enroll in courses that provide Dual Enrollment with Middlesex County College and receive college credit as well as high school credit. 

Gifted and talented services are also delivered to students in grades 9-12 directly in the classroom through differentiated instruction.  Teachers formatively assess students by grade level standards and work directly to provide instruction at the student’s appropriate level.  Strategies used with advanced students may include, but are not limited to:  

  • Acceleration

  • Curriculum Compacting

  • Grouping

  • Independent Study

Task Force

Gifted and Talented Task Force

A group of district administrators and staff worked collaboratively on a Gifted and Talented Task Force to re-evaluate current programs, research best practices throughout the state, and make recommendations to the district to expand offerings for Gifted and Talented students as well as professional learning opportunities for staff.

district policy

District Policy

Policy 2464, Adopted November 2020 addresses services for Gifted and Talented Students.

Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act" (P.L. 2019, c. 338)

complaint policy

Complaint Policy

Should a parent or guardian have a particular complaint or concern involving their child related to Gifted and Talented education, the following process should be observed:

  1. Contact the teacher involved. If the problem is not within the teacher's responsibility or is not resolved, then:

  2. Contact the assistant principal and then the building principal. Again, if not resolved at this level, then:

  3. Contact the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology, Dr. Frederick D. Johnson, at 732-289-3033. If not resolved at this level: then

  4. Contact the Superintendent of Schools, Janet Ciarrocca, at 289-3000 extension 3030 or . If not resolved at this level: then

  5. Contact the Board of Education through the Board Secretary, Rosa Hock, at 289-3000 extension 3020 or