Dr. Chris Harry
Marcy Marx

Alexis Rich, Ed.D.
Supervisor of Special Education (Gr 5-8)
Ed.D, Rutgers University
732-289-3000 ext. 63640
Catherine Havens
Arlene Baum
North Brunswick Township Schools is proud to offer comprehensive special education programs to eligible students from ages 3 to 21. We value the diverse thinking that all students bring to our district and have carefully designed programs that challenge our students to achieve their goals with the support of teachers, case managers, counselors, paraprofessionals, and therapists. Our special education offerings include:
Pull-Out Resource (POR) Program
In-Class Resource (ICR) Program
Learning and Language Disability (LLD) Program
Cognitive Mild Program
Cognitive Moderate Program
Autism Spectrum Program
Workplace Training Program (WTP)
Adaptive Physical Education
Reading Workshop

Child Find: Identify, Locate, Evaluate
Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and New Jersey Administrative Code Title 6A:14, Special Education, the North Brunswick Public School District has a responsibility to locate, identify and evaluate all resident students with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services, including students with disabilities attending nonpublic schools. The school district locates, identifies and evaluates, where appropriate, children ages 3-21 including highly mobile students with disabilities, such as migrant and homeless students, and students who may be disabled even though they are advancing through each grade level. Upon written request, the district will conduct an initial identification meeting for any resident child to determine whether a Child Study Team evaluation is warranted. Such a request must be made in writing to:
North Brunswick Public Schools
Department of Special Services
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Mr. Christopher Harry
PO Box 6016
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
The school district provides special education and related services, free of charge, for children between the ages 3-21 who qualify. Information for children with potential disabilities or those with disabilities from birth to three is available through Project Child Find at 1-800-322-8174 or the Early Intervention System (EIS) at 1-888-653-4463. If you have any questions regarding this referral process please contact:
Mrs. Baum, Secretary to the Director of Pupil Personnel Services, 732-289-3015

Special Education Parent Teacher Organization
It’s a long road...Why walk it alone?
NB-SEPTO is a district-wide organization designed to build strong partnerships amongst teachers, parents, administration, existing PTO’s, and the community so that all classified students from preschool through high school will be better understood, integrated, and embraced by our school and community. Its goal is to promote the social, emotional, and academic welfare of the special education student by supporting and providing families with the tools and information they need to work collaboratively and to be more effective advocates for their children.